Why SPI?

Why Syndacast Investment Property?

Syndacast Property Investment works different compared to usual property agents. We use technical skills and a self-developed scorecard system to identify the best deals in the market.

Our legal team takes you through the process to safely buy property in Thailand. You may use Syndacast Property Investment as your one stop partner in Thailand. Alternatively, if you have already identified the property you want to buy, you may also contact us to take you through the legal process only.

Big Database

Our database includes most properties offered in locations we focus on.

Sophisticated Scorecard

We developed a scorecard system that rates a lot of offered properties. Only the hottest deals will appear on our website.

Extensive Network

Experience of more than a decade and excellent industry contacts result in outstanding deals for our customers.

Plan to buy your dream home or build true wealth in Thailand?

We can help you find the best property.

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    All rights reserved.